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The Complete Omni-Channel Cloud Based Payment System

Cloud Point of Sale

Set up your cash register in seconds
Support up to 10 000 items
Built-in payment terminal
Add items and set price directly from the terminal
Statistics in excel both per sale and per item
Reconciliation report with VAT summary

Only £18 Monthly Fee

Manage Finances
Manage Finances

Reconcile sales accounts and produce powerful analytics to manage your business more efficiently.

Low Transaction Costs
Low Transaction Costs

We offer the lowest transaction fees providing you with more cashflow and less running costs

Low Transaction Costs
Low Transaction Costs

24/7 Customer Support, our team are available to assist you with your requirements.


Inventory your shop by taking picture
Make descriptive text and set price from terminal
Get order notice on merchant email
Have sale reports and item sales as excel files on email
Perfect for use as a QRcode-based payment system
Single reconciliation report combining retail sale and web sales




Leisure & Hairdressers

Cafe & Restaurants

Taxi & Transportation

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a cPOS system?

cPOS is a cloud based ePOS system. Instead of the hardware required for a ePOS system, cPOS enable you to upload your whole product inventory directly from your payment device.

How does it work?

You can use your payment device to capture products and upload them to your cPOS platform. Then use a desk top PC or Tablet device along with your payment device as a fully functioning ePOS system at a fraction of the cost.

Why is cPOS good for my retail business?

You can manage your products from a simple piece of software and sync between online and retail sales. Once the products are on the system you have an electronic record of each item you sell. Reconciling sales for VAT or record keeping is much easier from the cPOS system.  

How much does it cost?

The cPOS cloud based system is only £18/21euro per month. But that includes your payment gateway and card acquiring account. Compared with the cost of a ePOS system on top of acquiring costs, cPOS is much more cost effective.

How do I get started?

Simply click on get started and tell us a bit more about your business. Our payment support team will guide you though the process.

Cloud Point of Sale System

CALL: +44 (0) 3300272072

Monday to Friday 8:30am to 7:30pm


Please complete the details and our business support team will be in contact soon with further information.

Get Started

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