API – Services


A services defines some resource and what exactly you can do with it. Click on the service methods to expand details.

ProTip! You can quickly tests services using curl – Here is an example:

$ curl -v -su '' -H 'Accept-Version: v10' https://api.quickpay.net/ping
Enter host password for user '': <enter your api key here>

A more GUI-oriented alternative is using the webservice Postman.

Below are the settings for ClearHaus and PayPay. For any other integration settings please contact us.

GET /acquirers/clearhaus 

Get Clearhaus acquirer settings

Request Parameters

Parameter Description Parameter Type Data Type Default Required?
Accept-Version Specify the version of the API header string true
Authorization Use Basic Auth to authorize to the API header string true

Response Messages

HTTP Status Code Reason
200 OK
403 Not authorized

AcquirerSettings::Clearhaus Model

Parameter Description Data Type
active True if the acquirer is active boolean
api_key Clearhaus api key string
apple_pay True if Apple Pay is enabled boolean
business_code Clearhaus business code(mcc) string
recurring True if recurring is enabled boolean
payout True if payout is enabled boolean
mpi_merchant_id MPI Merchant id used for 3D Secure. This field is maintained by gateway string

PATCH /acquirers/clearhaus

Update Clearhaus acquirer settings

Request Parameters

Parameter Description Parameter Type Data Type Default Required?
Accept-Version Specify the version of the API header string true
Authorization Use Basic Auth to authorize to the API header string true
active Enable Clearhaus payments form boolean true
api_key Clearhaus API key (is required but may be left empty) form string true
recurring Enable recurring payments (requires agreement with Clearhaus) form boolean false
payout Enable payouts (requires agreement with Clearhaus) form boolean false
apple_pay Enable Apple Pay (requires agreement with Clearhaus) form boolean false

Response Messages

HTTP Status Code Reason
200 OK
400 Invalid parameters
403 Not authorized

AcquirerSettings::Clearhaus Model

Parameter Description Data Type
active True if the acquirer is active boolean
api_key Clearhaus api key string
apple_pay True if Apple Pay is enabled boolean
business_code Clearhaus business code(mcc) string
recurring True if recurring is enabled boolean
payout True if payout is enabled boolean
mpi_merchant_id MPI Merchant id used for 3D Secure. This field is maintained by gateway string

GET /acquirers/paypal

Get PayPal acquirer settings

Request Parameters

Parameter Description Parameter Type Data Type Default Required?
Accept-Version Specify the version of the API header string true
Authorization Use Basic Auth to authorize to the API header string true

Response Messages

HTTP Status Code Reason
200 OK
403 Not authorized

AcquirerSettings::PayPal Model

Parameter Description Data Type
active True if the acquirer is active boolean
recurring True if recurring is enabled boolean
credit_card True if credit-card payments is enabled boolean
token Authentication token string
token_secret Authentication token secret string
scope Scopes token grants access to string[]

PATCH /acquirers/paypal

Update PayPal acquirer settings

Request Parameters

Parameter Description Parameter Type Data Type Default Required?
Accept-Version Specify the version of the API header string true
Authorization Use Basic Auth to authorize to the API header string true
active Enable PayPal payments form boolean true
recurring Enable recurring payments form boolean false
credit_card Allow credit-card payments. (Only for US/CA/UK merchants) form boolean false
token Authentication token form string false
token_secret Authentication token secret form string false
scope Authentication scope body array false

Response Messages

HTTP Status Code Reason
200 OK
400 Invalid parameters
403 Not authorized

AcquirerSettings::PayPal Model

Parameter Description Data Type
active True if the acquirer is active boolean
recurring True if recurring is enabled boolean
credit_card True if credit-card payments is enabled boolean
token Authentication token string
token_secret Authentication token secret string
scope Scopes token grants access to string[]

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