Merchant Cash Advance

Increase cashflow from your sales revenue

No business plans or financial projections, access the capital your business needs from your last three months of trading*

A Merchant Cash Advance (MCA) is a type of financing option available to small businesses where they receive a lump sum of money upfront in exchange for a percentage of their future sales. It’s not a traditional loan; instead, it’s an advance based on the company’s projected sales or receivables.

Get the funds your business needs - Fast!

You’ll only pay it back as your customers pay you, which makes it one of the most flexible options out there. Plus, the application process is quick (less than 10 minutes) with no hidden fees!

What is a Merchant Cash Advance?
A Merchant Cash Advance (MCA) is a cash advance based on the company’s projected sales or receivables.

• You have revenue that derives from card payments.

• Your business has a monthly turnover of at least £/€5,000+ monthly turnover

•You have over 3 months of trading history

• Max 2x monthly revenue advance sizes


Min £/€ 5,000 – Max £/€ 1,000,000 loan amounts

• 1 – 18 months advance length


In as little as 24 – 48 hours! Your dedicated account manager will guide you through this process


3-12 months bank statements • Director and beneficial owner information


Simply complete the enquiry form below, tell us how much you need to borrow and we’ll send you a personalised quotation. 

The Solution Your Business Deserves

We’re more than just a payment processor. We’re your partner in growth. When you work with us, you’ll enjoy:

Mobile Apps

With mobile technology and applications becoming more popular and part of everyday commerce, CardPayGo have embraced m-commerce and have the ability to process payments across these devices

Fraud Management

Customisable fraud management tools that provide the Merchant with the ability to dictate the levels to which the Merchant’s account will automatically check transaction authenticity.

PDQ Transactions

For any face-to-face card transaction, a PDQ device is required in order to authenticate the transaction using the cardholders PIN. CardPayGo is able to supply a wide range of PDQ terminal devices.

Payment Modules

To help our merchants integrate with our Payment Gateway we have taken the time to create plugins for various systems, these are provided as is under a GPL licence.

Direct Integration

With direct integration, your website (complete with SSL certificate) payment pages capture the cardholders personal and credit card details and then forwards these behind the scenes to the secure CardPayGo Payment Gateway.

Hosted Form

In order to make the Hosted Form process a little more seamless for the cardholder, we are able to fully customise the payment page. Either the merchant can supply us with full CSS design or we can simply apply a customised header and footer with your company logo to the page


Merchant Cash Advance Funding with CardPayGO is provided by YouLend Limited an authorised Payment Institution, under Payment Services Regulations 2017 (SI 2017/752) under the supervision of the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA FRN 947287) for the provision of payment services within the United Kingdom. 

All Rights Reserved. All trademarks, service marks, and trade names referenced in this material are the property of their respective owners

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